European Online University
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Average Vote: 5.0/5
2023-05-09 09:49:53
Easy signup and receiving material.
I could pick from a German or UK University Degree.
Nadjal F.
2022-09-09 09:56:06
Very easy to handle and Material is on and offline possible.
Great student support.
I didnt have to do any administration stuff. All done by the university.
I didnt even know i can claim benefits or get money back.
Tests are easily able to do online.
2022-08-22 06:04:37
So cool, so easy. I love it!
F. Fahud
2022-05-03 12:02:25
Sammy El K.
2022-05-03 11:59:14
The library at the EuroStudi Tallinn is the best place for effective learning - you can find inner peace thanks to the little or no noise level
Janine Foster
2022-05-03 11:58:58
Just great! It's great.
The good study structure and the possibility of relatively free time management are perfect for independent students.
During my bachelor's degree in "Cultural Studies" and my master's degree in "European History"
Dimitrij Russov
2022-05-03 10:00:27
Very good, especially the study material. Good prices, retirees and citizens are also welcome. Favorable opening times.
David Bauer
2022-05-01 14:49:42
It is possible to acquire academic degrees here in a highly flexible manner. From bachelors to doctorates, everything is included here. It is not even absolutely necessary to have a high school diploma as there are other access options. Supervision varies greatly from faculty to chair. Everything is included. But no matter how good the care is, a high degree of personal initiative is required here. If you are not able to familiarize yourself with complex issues independently and without outside help, you are definitely at the wrong place here.
Mathias Klein
2022-03-19 11:15:42
excellent for studying part-time. Good support, e.g. through online mentors, clear study plans, manageable study costs.
Günther Berehr
2022-03-17 15:10:42